MTS Multipurpose Elite User Manual

Page 104

background image

Cyclic command 93, 95


data acquisition

data acquisition 42

data acquisition activity

add to parallel path 53
data acquisition 54

data acquisition processes 95
Data Display 102
data limit detector 98
Data Sample Rate 97
de-energize station 25
Default Value new variable property

cycle activity 51

Description new variable property

cycle activity 51

Digit Type new variable property

cycle activity 52

digital input detector 98
digital IO indicator 69
digital output 99
Digits new variable property

cycle activity 52

Dimension new variable property

cycle activity 51


changing 37
dynamic 37
fixed 37
normalized 80
working with 79

Display Name new variable property

cycle activity 51

Display Name property

cycle activity 45
data acquisition activity 55
input parameter activity 53
profile activity 66
ramp activity 44, 46

domain specimen selection property 49, 71
Duration property

ramp activity 47

Dwell command 94, 95
dynamic dimensions 37


edit a variable 23
Enable Frequency Compensation property

ALC profile activity 73

end level 1

input parameters activity 56

end level 2

input parameters activity 56

energize station 25
error indicator 20

Event Action editor 64
event detectors 98
External command 94


failure detector 99
Fatigue Monitoring 98
File property

profile activity 66

float signals 37
Font Size property

digital IO indicator monitor display 70

Format Type new variable property

cycle activity 52

Frequency Multiplier property

profile activity 67

Frequency property

cycle activity 45


generate report 28
generate test report 28
geometry specimen selection property 49, 71



add to controller 86

header data syntax


action list 75
channels 75
date 75
description 75
file type 75

High Speed Time Acquisition 96
hold tests 25


Identifier new variable property

cycle activity 51

Initial Gain property

ALC profile activity 73

input parameter

activity 23, 42, 50

Input Parameters 101
input parameters activity

end level 1 56
end level 2 56

input variables

activity 52
operator entry activity 52

104 Multipurpose Elite Test Design Guide