Leica Biosystems VT1200/VT1200 S User Manual

Page 29

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Leica VT1200 / VT1200 S

5. Working with the Instrument

Key / setting dial

Semiautomatic sectioning mode Automatic sectioning mode

General information about

the cutting window

Not possible.

The horizontal cutting path can be

reduced to the specimen size. The

two cutting window edges can be

adjusted and changed indepen-

dently. Holding the key down for

a longer duration (audible warn-

ing signal) sets the beginning or

end (depending on the key) of the

cutting window to the maximum

value. Smallest possible section-

ing window: 0.5 mm. If a window

smaller than 0.5 mm is set or the

user reverses the beginning and

end, the last entered value is ac-

cepted and the previous value is set

to the maximum value. The cutting

window is not saved when the in-

strument is switched off; however,

it is retained when you switch from

automatic mode (AUTO) to semiau-

tomatic mode (MAN).

Not possible.

Advance the blade toward the

specimen using the "Blade for-

ward" key. Press the "1st cutting

window edge" key until the LED in

the key lights up.

Not possible.

Advance the blade to the end of the

specimen using the "Blade forward"

key and press "2nd cutting window

edge" until the LED in the key lights up.

Activated cutting window edges can be deactivated

by pressing the corresponding key for approx. three
