Operation and configuration, Operating language, Evaluation program – JUMO 706510 LOGOSCREEN 500 cf Data Sheet User Manual
Page 5: Pca communication software (pcc), Interface, Extra codes

Data Sheet 70.6510
JUMO GmbH & Co. KG • 36035 Fulda, Germany
Page 5/10
Operation and
On the recorder
Configuration is menu-led, using 8 keys.
Three of these have fixed functions assigned
(Enter, Menu, Exit), and five alter their function
and visual representation according to the
menu. The currently active functions are
shown on the bottom edge of the screen, so
that key functions are always unambiguous
during use.
The configuration on the recorder is
protected from unauthorized access by a
code number.
Via setup program for PC
Instrument configuration via the setup
program for the PC is more convenient than
using the keys on the instrument itself.
The configuration data can be created on a
data medium (CompactFlash card) and read
into the recorder, or transferred to the
instrument via one of the interfaces. The PC
can be used to output the settings to a printer.
Operating language
The operating language for the instrument
can be configured in various languages.
English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish,
Italian, Hungarian, Czech, Swedish, Polish,
Danish, Finnish, Portuguese and Russian
have been implemented.
Others on request.
Evaluation program
The PC evaluation program (PCA3000) is a
program that runs under Windows NT/2000/
XP/Vista, and is used to manage, archive,
visualize and evaluate the recorder data that
have been stored on a CompactFlash card.
k The data from the LOGOSCREEN 500 cf
are read in by the evaluation program and
saved in an archive file. The lifecycle data
management ensures that, if needed, all
the data throughout the lifetime of a
system can be saved in an archive file.
Changes to the configuration are shown
separately, together with the
corresponding measurement data.
k The user can gain access at any time to
certain data sets (configuration), which
can be distinguished by supplementary
information. In addition, it is possible to
restrict the time periods to be evaluated.
k Any analog channels or event traces of a
paperless recorder can subsequently be
combined into PCA groups in PCA3000.
k Since each group is displayed in a
separate window, several groups can be
shown simultaneously on the screen and
k Operation by mouse or keys.
k The export filter makes is possible to
export the stored data for processing in
another program (e.g. Excel).
k The PCA3000 evaluation program
supports network capability, i. e. several
users can obtain data from the same
database in the network, independently of
one another.
PCA communication
software (PCC)
k The data can be read out from the
paperless recorder via the serial interface
(RS232/RS485) on the back, via the
Ethernet interface, or via the setup
interface on the front. The data can be
read out manually or automatically (e.g.
daily at 23.00 hrs).
k Data can also be retrieved via remote
control, through a modem.
The current process data, configuration data
and special instrument data can be read out
via the RS232/RS485 interface (extra code),
via the Ethernet interface, or through the
setup interface that is fitted as standard.
The archive data (FLASH memory) can also
be read out, in conjunction with the PCC soft-
Serial interfaces
When using the RS232 interface, a maximum
cable length of 15m is permitted.
A cable length of 1.2km is allowed for the
RS485 interface.
Connection is by a 9-pole SUB-D connector
(for RS232/RS485) on the back of the instru-
ment, or on the front (via the setup interface).
Modbus and Jbus protocols are available,
and the transmission mode used is RTU (Re-
mote Terminal Unit).
The changeover between the RS232 and the
RS485 interface is made through the program
Ethernet interface
Connection is by a RJ45 socket on the back
of the instrument. Modbus/TCP is used as a
protocol. The maximum transmission rate is
Extra codes
operating time counters
6 additional internal channels are available for
use as counters, integrators or operating time
counters. These counters are controlled
through the binary inputs, the alarms, or via
the logic channels. The numerical indication is
shown in a separate window, with a maximum
of 9 figures. The acquisition period can be
selected as: periodic, daily, weekly, monthly,
yearly as well as externally, total (overall
count) or daily from ... to.
Math/logic module
The module for math and logic (only
configurable via the setup software) enables,
for instance, the combination of analog
channels with one another, with counters and/
or with the binary inputs. The operators
available for formulae are: +, -, *, /, (, ), SQRT(),
MIN(), MAX(), SIN(), COS(), TAN(), **, EXP(),
ABS(), INT(), FRC(), LOG(), LN(), humidity,
moving average or !, &, |, ^, as well as ( and ).