6 configuration – JUMO 705030 mTRON T - Digital Input/Output Module Operating Manual User Manual
Page 38

6 Configuration
generator 1 to
generator 9
Operating contact 1 to 16
Operating contact 1 to 16 of program channels
(in the three program channels, operating con-
tacts with the same name are linked with OR)
Mode: Basic status
Status: Program is not running (basic status)
Mode: Automatic
Status: Program is running (automatic mode,
no delay time or program end time)
Mode: Automatic 1
Status: Program is running (automatic mode,
incl. delay time and program end time)
Mode: Standstill
Status: Program stopped during automatic
mode (time base stopped)
Mode: Delay
Status: Program start delayed (delay time
Mode: Program end
Status: Program ends (program end time runs,
corresponds to length of end signal)
Mode: Manual
Status: Manual mode
Tolerance band channel 1 to 3
Tolerance band signal of program channel 1 to
PLC Binary output 27 to 32
Signal of PLC digital output 27 to 32
Limit monitoring
Limit monitoring 1 to 64
Output signal of limit value monitoring 1 to 64
Binary linking
Binary linking 1 to 8
Result of binary linking 1 to 8
PLC Binary output 9 to 32
Signal of PLC digital output 9 to 32
Binary PLC out-
put block 13 to
block 18
PLC Binary output 1 to 32
Signal of PLC digital output 1 to 32
Alarm analog
Alarm1 ExAI1 to Alarm1 ExAI64
Alarm signal 1 of analog variable 1 to 64
Alarm2 ExAI1 to Alarm2ExAI64
Alarm signal 2 of analog variable 1 to 64
Alarm integer
Alarm1 ExInt1 to Alarm1 ExInt64 Alarm signal 1 of integer variable 1 to 64
Alarm2 ExInt1 to Alarm2ExInt64
Alarm signal 2 of integer variable 1 to 64