INFICON BPG402-SP ATM to Ultra-High Vacuum Gauge (Profibus) User Manual
Page 39

tira47e1 (2005-08) BPG402SPv1.cp
Function Block
Application of an automation system performed by a Device
Block, Function Block, Transducer Block and accompanied
A set of data related to an invocation of a function block or a
Internal Resolution
The internal resolution is 16383 (3FFF
) for 100% and
-16384 (C000
) for -100% of the range.
Determines the block operating mode and available modes
for a block instance.
(IT) A software entity having identity, attributes and behav-
A variable that is given a constant value for a specified
application and that may denote the application.
Device Block
A Device Block is a named block. Hardware specific pa-
rameters of a field device, which are associated with a re-
source, are made visible through the Device Block. Similar
to transducer blocks, they insulate function blocks from the
physical hardware by a set of implementation independent
hardware parameters.
A set of data items of different data types treated as a unit.
A resource is considered to be a logical subdivision within
the software (and possibly hardware) structure of a device.
Resources have independent control of their operation. The
definition of a resource may be modified without affecting
other resources within a device. A resource accepts and
processes data and/or events from the process and/or
communication interfaces and returns data and/or events to
the process and/or communication interfaces, as specified
by the applications utilizing the resource. An interoperable
network view of applications is provided through device re-
sources. Each resource specifies the network visible as-
pects of one or more local applications (or parts of distri-
buted applications).
Simple Variable
A single variable which is characterized by a defined Data
Substitute Value
In case an optional parameter has not been implemented,
the device behaves according to the substitute value for this
Transducer Block
Transducer Block is a named block. Transducer blocks
insulate function blocks from the specifics of I/O devices,
such as sensors, actuators, and switches. Transducer
blocks control access to I/O devices through a device in-
dependent interface defined for use by function blocks.
Transducer blocks also perform functions, such as cali-
bration and linearization, on I/O data to convert it to a de-
vice independent representation. Their interface to function
blocks is defined as one or more implementation independ-
ent I/O channels.
A software entity that may assume any one of a set of val-
ues. The values of a variable are usually restricted to a
certain data type.
Excerpts from:
"PROFIBUS Profile for SEMI"