INFICON BPG402-SP ATM to Ultra-High Vacuum Gauge (Profibus) User Manual

Page 15

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tira47e1 (2005-08) BPG402SPv1.cp


The Exception Status describes the alarm and warning states of the gauge in an
"Expanded error output format".

A difference is made between warnings and errors.

Alarms and errors are divided into three groups (

→ sections "Exception Detail

Alarm" and "Exception Detail Warning" for details):

• ALARM / Warning Device Common

For errors that occur independently of
the type of device used, e.g. supply
error, RAM, ROM, or EEPROM error.

• ALARM / Warning Device Specific

For device specific errors (e.g. filament
rupture (Pirani) or cathode rupture

• ALARM / Warning Manufacturer


For errors defined by the manufacturer
that are not mentioned in the standard.

In each of the above groups, there are several error or warning conditions. The in-
dividual fields are presented in the "Exception Detail Alarm" and "Exception Detail
Warning". If an error message occurs in "Exception Detail Alarm" or "Exception
Detail Warning”, the corresponding bit is set in the Exception Status. Therefore, if
bits 0 … 6 of the Exception Status are on "0" there is no warning message pending.

If a bit is set, the actual error can be read in the corresponding group.

The Exception Status is output in cyclic data and informs on the current error status
using only one byte. If an error occurs, the current error status can be read via
acyclic services or in cyclic data exchange via the parameter channel. This ensures
that while the current error status is always available in the cyclic data, no unnec-
essary data overhead is transmitted.





ALARM, device common

The bit is set if an error of the Alarm
Device Common group is detected.


ALARM, device specific

The bit is set if an error of the Alarm
Device Specific group is detected.


ALARM, manufacturer specific

The bit is set if an error of the Alarm
Manufacturer Specific group is detected.





WARNING, device common

The bit is set if an error of the Warning
Device Common group is detected.


WARNING, device specific

The bit is set if an error of the Warning
Device Specific group is detected.


WARNING, manufacturer

The bit is set if an error of the Warning
Manufacturer Common group is de-


Expanded Format

Is constantly on "1" and marks the use of
the expanded error output format. Exception Status ID 26