INFICON SQC-122 Thin Film Deposition Controller Communications Manual User Manual

Sigma, Communications with the sqc-122

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Fort Collins, Colorado 80524


(970) 416-9660


Fax (970) 416-9330




Communications with the SQC-122

There are three possibilities for communicating with the SQC-122. The first is a DOS-
based terminal program. The next is a 32 bit Windows DLL. The third is a Windows
program that can configure and operate the SQC-122.


This simple DOS-based terminal program allows you to send a command and receive a
response via the computer’s RS-232 port. The computer’s COM1 port baud rate must
be set to match the SQC-122 before the program is run. Source code (SQM-TERM.C)
is provided, so it can be customized easily. The command and response strings are
detailed in the attached Communications Protocol.


This 32 bit DLL should be placed in your Windows System directory. No Windows
registration is needed. The first call should be to InitCom to establish the comm port and
baud rate. Functions and their calling convention are listed in the attached
SIGMACOM.DLL Functions document.


This program uses SIGMACOM.DLL to communicate with the SQC-122. It must be
installed in Windows using the Setup SQC-122 installation program. It allows you to set
film parameters and names, download them to the SQC-122, and perform front panel
functions. This program is written in Visual Basic, contact Sigma Instruments if you need
the source code for this program.