4 status/communication leds – INFICON STM-1 Thin Film Deposition Monitor User Manual

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Communication Module Address and
232/485 selection

SW5…SW8 ASCII/hex/dec
0000 = RS232, address @/40/64, Default
0001 = RS485, address A/41/65
0010 = RS485, address B/42/66
0011 = RS485, address C/43/67
0100 = RS485, address D/44/68
0101 = RS485, address E/45/69
0110 = RS485, address F/46/70
0111 = RS485, address G/47/71
1000 = RS485, address H/48/72
1001 = RS485, address I/49/73
1010 = RS485, address J/4A/74
1011 = RS485, address K/4B/75
1100 = RS485, address L/4C/76
1101 = RS485, address M/4D/77
1110 = RS485, address N/4E/78
1111 = RS485, address O/4F/79

Note 1.1:

Only meaningful if raw data query/updates are performed. ASCII mode query/updates are not affected by endian


Note 1.2: See protocol specification for checksum/non checksum mode specifics.

1.4 Status/Communication LEDs

The STM1 board has two LEDs, status and communication. The status LED is closest to the circuit board, or on the bottom if
viewed facing the STM1 unit with the power connection on the left and the sensor connector on the right. They work as follows:

Status LED: On power up, the STM1 blinks a 24-bit status word. A ‘1’ is signaled with two quick blinks, and a ‘0’ is signaled
with a single blink. There is a one second delay in between bit codes, where the LED is off. The first eight bits are the dip switch
settings, starting with switch 1. Then the next 16 bits are the firmware checksum, starting with D15 (most significant bit). After
the 24 bits are communicated, there is a 4 second pause (where the LED is off) and then the status led goes into normal operation.

Status led normal operation (listed from highest priority to lowest priority):

1) Fast blink: In this mode, the led blinks very fast, too fast to count the blinks per second. This indicates that the measured
frequency of the crystal (sensor head) is not within programmed range. This is the crystal bad indication.

2) Slow blink: In this mode, the led blinks once per second. This indicates that the measured frequency of the crystal (sensor
head) is within programmed range, but the STM1 has not had it’s power up reset flag acknowledged (a reset of the STM1
occurred and the host computer did not send the “reset power fail flag” command). See Sycon Multi Drop Protocol manual for
details of this command.

3) Solid: In this mode, the LED does not blink, but stays on solid. This indicates that the measured frequency of the crystal
(sensor head) is within programmed range and the host computer has acknowledged the power fail (reset) condition.

Communication LED: This LED blinks once on power up (as a lamp test). After that, the led lights up for one second every
time a valid communication packet (correct address, checksum, etc) is received by the STM1 from the host computer. When this
LED blinks, it means the STM1 has received a packet for it, and has parsed the packet and the packet is valid in structure. The
STM1 will respond with a response packet in this case.