4 analog output, 5 firmware version – INFICON STM-1 Thin Film Deposition Monitor User Manual

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CPY_CFG_OP_class (single byte). See note 2.Error! Bookmark not defined. in Configuration Parameters section for details.


D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1



X X X X X Rollback


Note 2.9: 0 = little endian (least significant byte first). 1 = big endian (most significant byte first). Applies to all records. This
record is query only.

Note 2.10: Semaphore record description: Can only update this record if this record is all zeros. The bits in this record are cleared
as the work pending is performed. Any attempt to update this record while any operation is pending (any bits non zero) will fail,
causing an Err_inhibited response code. See specific protocol section for details on detection of this failure.

Note 2.11: Attempts to update configuration parameters are prohibited while a commit or rollback operation is pending. Also,
queries are prohibited while a rollback is pending. See specific protocol section for detection of these failures.

2.2.4 Analog Output:

The STM1 comes with an analog output feature. The analog output is under the control of the host computer through the database.
Writing to the Aout_value record causes that written value to be output to the analog connector almost instantly. The analog
output digital to analog converter (DAC) is a 12-bit DAC, so the valid range is 0-FFF hex or 0-4095 decimal. Writing a value of 0
to the Aout_value register will result in an analog output voltage of near zero volts (which is also the power up condition).
Writing a value of 4095 (FFF hex) results in an analog output of near 10 volts. The voltage output is proportional to the
Aout_value record (linear 0-10V from 0-4095).

There is also a watchdog feature, which works as follows: If the Aout_wdog record value is non-zero, then the analog output
watchdog is enabled. The record has a range of 0-255 (0 is disable). The 1-255 gives a watchdog timer period of 1-255 seconds.
With the watchdog enabled, the host computer must write to the Aout_value record or Aout_wdog record at least once every n
seconds, where n is the value in the Aout_wdog record. The watchdog timer will be satisfied with a write (update) operation to
either of these registers, even if the value to write is the same or out of range. If the host computer does not update either of these
records before the watchdog timer expires, the analog output will be forced to zero volts and the Aout_value record in the
database will be set to zero.

2.2.5 Firmware Version

Firmware Version is a query only record.

Using the SMDP protocol command “version” (CMD opcode 4) the firmware version string can be obtained. This string is
designed to produce all relevant information to the master in order to identify the STM1 and communicate properly. See below
for the format:







Prefix Family


Major version


Minor version

T= test



(0-9) . (0-9)

E.g.: ACF2.0 = STM1 release version 2.0 database covenant code E.
Prefix indicates STM1 major software class. (This document is for code A).
Family code indicates STM1 behavior family. (This document is for code C, standard STM1).
Database covenant indicates record locations and sizes. (This document is for code F).

Note 2.12: Database covenant of @ indicates a mismatched software/hardware platform. This is a fatal error, and the STM1 card
will not take any measurements.
Major and minor version numbers increment with feature additions (bug fixes).

Note 2.13: This class is in ASCII, and the byte order does not change based on Endiansel.