3 forming the data field – INFICON STM-1 Thin Film Deposition Monitor User Manual

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2.3 Forming the Data Field:

Transactions: (Description of field):
If the incoming command string field does not follow any of the below formats, then the reply RSP portion of the
CMD_RSP field will be Err_syntax and there will be no other data in the reply.

Locking the run time data group portion of the database (via the CmdOpcode_lock command) ensures all subsequent run time
data queries are from the same measurement cycle. So a quick and easy way to check for new data is to send a lock database
command, and check the byte in the reply. The user can then query any wanted records, and be certain that all of the data is from
the same measurement. Just make sure to unlock the database after the queries of interest (if any) are performed. The database
must be unlocked following a lock (and any queries, if any) in order for new data to post to the run time data group.

C: is data in field in command packet sent to STM-1.
R: is data in field in reply packet returned from STM-1.
is the record number as described in section 2.
is the value that a record is being updated to, or the value a record is returning due to a query.

For opcode < CmdOpcode_RndRead >:

: Do random read of database at .

R: […]

: No Error occurred, PDAT is database record value.


: If Error occurred, only record number echoed back.

For opcode <CmdOpcode_RndWrit>
C: [...]

: Do random write of PDAT data to database at .


: Always echoes REC#, whether error occurred or not.

Note 2.14: for above, REC# and PDAT fields are in raw binary. Since there are less than 256 database records, REC# is a single
byte binary. Also note that endian matters for database records whose data type is larger than one byte. The PDAT field must be
expressed in the same endian setting as the dipswitch for updates, and it will be expressed as the dipswitch for queries.

For opcode <CmdOpcode_Lock>

: Data field must be empty for the execute lock database command.


: No Error occurred. Return lock reply.
: ‘1’ (ASCII 1, hex 31) = new data since last lock,

: ‘0’ (ASCII 0, hex 30) = no new data since last lock.

For opcode <CmdOpcode_Unlock>

: Data field must be empty for the unlock database command.


: No reply in data field for this command.

For opcode <CmdOpcode_AscRd>

: Do random read of database at .

R: [...]

: No Error occurred, PDAT is database record value.


: If Error occurred, only record number echoed back.

Note 2.15: For reading double types, the ASCII reply is [-]d[d…].fff where d is the whole number portion and fff is the
fractional information. In other words, there is always a decimal point and three digits past the decimal point. So a value of zero,
type double, will echo back as 0.000

For opcode <CmdOpcode_AscWr>
C: [...] : Do random write of PDAT data to database at .

: Always echoes REC#, whether error occurred or not.

Note 2.16: for above, REC# fields is in raw binary, and is one byte. For convenience, the tables in this document that describe
record address have an ASCII equivalent to the binary value, and can be placed in this field. The PDAT field is in ASCII form.