Operation operation – INCRA Miter Express User Manual

Page 5

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FIG. 11

Apply UHMW glide strips

Apply UHMW Glide Strips
Apply one strip of PSA backed UHMW to the

underside of each of the (3) panels that make up the Utility
Plate panel assembly, Fig. 11.
Align the UHMW so that it contacts only smooth surfaces
on your table saw. The UHMW strips serve to raise the
Miter Express panels just slightly above the drop panel
while simultaneously lowering friction between your table
saw and the panels.

NOTE: Do not apply UHMW glide strips to the
underside of the drop panel.




FIG. 13

Position miter gauge in receiving slot

FIG. 14B

Gauge position for maximum crosscut

FIG. 14A

Gauge position for small piece work

FIG. 12

Position and lock drop panel

Position and Lock Drop Panel 
Slide the drop panel assembly in your miter slot and

position adjacent to the saw blade. The infeed edge of
the drop panel should be about 2-3” in front of the saw
blade. Use the



3 2

” hex key to tighten both expansion

mechanisms to lock the drop panel in place, Fig. 12.


Position Miter Gauge in Receiving Slot of 
Utility Plate

Slide the Utility Plate assembly into the remaining miter
slot and lower your miter gauge into the receiving slot of
the Utility Plate, Fig. 13.

Once in the receiving slot, a variety of positions for the
miter gauge can be achieved to accommodate different
cutting situations. For small piece work you’ll want the
miter gauge positioned forward on the Utility Plate so that
the work piece will be fully supported by the Miter Express
panels. For maximum crosscut you’ll want to position the
miter gauge fence mounting plate near the infeed end of
the Utility Plate. Figs. 14A and 14B.



UHMW strip

UHMW strip

UHMW strip

Drop panel assembly




” Hex key

Tighten expansion

mechanisms to

lock drop panel in


2 - 3”

Utility plate

Receiving slot