HYDAC HDA 5500-0-2-DC-006 (CM1k) User Manual
Page 22

HDA 5500 for HLB 1000 and CS 1000
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10.2 Switching outputs
Each switching output consists of a relay, the switching contacts of which can be connected
as N/C or N/O. For each switching output, the following parameters can be set during normal
operation (see Point 7.2 Overview of the Basic Settings Menu):
Assignment to sensor signal
Switching function (switch point and hysteresis or switching window mode)
Switching direction (relay activated or relay deactivated)
Switch-on delay
Switch-off delay
10.2.1 Switching mode
During normal operation, switch point and hysteresis or switching window can be set as the
switching mode of a switching output.
10.2.1.a) Switch point and hysteresis mode (SP)
In the switch point and hysteresis mode, a switching function is activated if (while rising in
value) the measured value of a sensor reaches the value of the switch point. A switching
function is deactivated if (when falling in value) the measured value of a sensor falls below
the value of the switch point by the value of the hysteresis. This defines the switch-back point
as the difference between switch point and hysteresis.
The switch point and hysteresis can be set individually for each switching output. The
following setting ranges apply:
Switch point
1.5..100 % of the display range
0.5..99 % of the display range
10.2.1.b) Switching window (Win)
In switching window mode a defined range is monitored. A switching function is activated if
the measured value of a sensor is outside the window and reaches one of the switch points.
A switching function is deactivated if the measured value of a sensor is within a switching
window and reaches one of the switch-back points. The switch-back points depend on the
switch points (upper switch-back point = upper switch point plus 1 % FS and lower switch-
back point = lower switch point minus 1 % FS). This difference between switch point and
switch-back point prevents unwanted switching from occurring.
The upper switch point and the lower switch point of a switching window can be individually
set for each switching output. The following setting ranges apply:
Upper switch point
2.25..99 % of the display range
Lower switch point
1.5..98.24 % of the display range
The switching window therefore only functions correctly (activation and deactivation of a
switching function), if all the switch points and switch-back points are larger than the lower
limit and smaller than the upper limit of the display range of a particular sensor.