Bolt retries, Reverse settings – HMC Electronics ASG-SD2500-10FX-SY X-PAQ Precision Fastening System User Manual

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Bolt Retries:

To enable this feature, tap the radio button on the task setup screen under the number of bolts. Set the

number of retries before lockout by tapping the number and inputting the desired value. A retry is

counted when the tool is put into reverse and triggered. After the designated value of retries have

been achieved, the tool will not attempt another rundown without tapping the ‘reset’ button on the

‘Run Tool’ screen. If bolt retries are not enabled, the controller will advance the bolt count to the next

one in sequence regardless of a pass or fail.

Must Retry Failures:

To enable this feature, tap the radio button on the task setup screen under the bolt retries. With

this feature enabled, any failed rundown will require a retry before proceeding to the next

rundown in sequence. A retry is counted when the tool is put into reverse and triggered. Once

the previously failed rundown is successfully completed, the bolt count will advance with the next

trigger of the tool. If the attempted numbers of retries are unsuccessful, the tool will be disabled

until the reset button is pressed. See the password screen to enable operator lockout.

Reverse Settings:

In each task, the reverse settings must be defined. More specifically, when the reverse button on the

tool is pressed and released (and the colored LED lights on the tool are flashing), the user must tell the

controller how fast to turn, what direction, and at what percent of the tool’s maximum torque. For

instance, if a 50 inlb tool is connected to the controller, and the Reverse Power is set to 50%, the tool

will be able to use 25 inlb of torque to remove a fastener before the tool stalls. These reverse settings

can be different for each task in the controller if the user wishes, or they can all be set identically for


Reverse can also be disabled by using the arrow button to cycle through CW and CCW to Disabled.

When disabled, the tool can be put in reverse mode by pressing and releasing the reverse button, but

the tool will not run when triggered, a message will appear on the screen indicating that reverse is

currently disabled.

Documentation Provided By HMC Electronics

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