FasTest FasMate FN Series Rebuild User Manual
Rebuild instructions, Reassemble

Roseville, MN
Toll Free at 1-800-444-2373
Fax 651-645-7390
WP118 Rev D 9/8/2014
Use all the new seals, springs, balls and backup rings provided. Lightly lubricate
seals with petroleum jelly.
1. Place o-ring and backup ring into groove on outside of the piston. All sizes.
2. Apply Loctite Quicktape#249 to the threads on shaft. Apply 1 – 2 wraps of
tape! Liquid Loctite will not be sufficient as it could seep into unwanted areas
of the connector. All sizes.
3. Align collets according to the timing line on the O.D. mid section of the collet
set. Insert the collets in order into the piston as shown. Use the shaft to center
the collets. You may need to work the shaft in and out while inserting the
collets to allow them to fall into place. All sizes.
4. Install the small o-ring and back up ring over threaded end of the shaft.
Lubricate o-ring with petroleum jelly. The o-ring and backup ring should be
fully inserted into the bore of the piston over the shaft. (Note: The front
spring may be placed over the collets to help keep them in place.)
5. For connectors without body adapters (size 2), thread shaft into actuator prior
to installing into front body. Use Allen wrench and torque wrench to fully
6. Place large o-ring into groove on front body (size 2). Insert the assembly from
step 5 into the front body leaving the ball holes exposed.
7. Coat ball holes with petroleum based jelly. Places balls into holes. Then push
actuator forward so balls are slightly inside front body.
8. For connectors with Body Adaptors (sizes 1, 3 & 4), put the collet,
piston, spring and shaft together as done in steps 1, 2, 3 & 4.
9. Slide the collet assembly into front body until spring hits shoulder inside front
body. Apply two to three drops of liquid Loctite #242 to front body threads.
Then place adaptor over piston and thread onto front body until tight to front
body. (Loctite Quicktape#249 will not work on these threads). Tighten
adaptor to 15 ft/lbs.
10. Install larger o-ring and coat the inside of the piston ball holes with petroleum
jelly. Place all balls into ball holes from inside of the piston. The lube helps
contain balls through the final steps of assembly.
11. Place the Delrin collar and spring onto the actuator. Place the washer (no
washer for size 1) between the spring and adaptor. Using the correct Allen
wrench, tighten the shaft and actuator assembly together. (See other side for
final steps 12, 13 & 14. Which applies to all body sizes.)
RFNXXXX Rebuild Kit for FN Style Connectors
Body Size 1-4
DESCRIPTION: Rebuild Procedure for FN,
Series Connectors.
Special Note on Reassemble:
Step 5 & Step 11. When the shaft requires a 3/32”
Hex Wrench, torque to 30 in/lbs.
When the shaft requires a 7/64” Hex Wrench,
torque to 46 in/lbs.
Ball Holes
Large O-Ring
Body Adaptor
Loctite 242
Large O-Ring
Balls installed
inside Piston
Front Body
FN with
Pneumatic Control
FN with Lever
FN with Valve
Apply Tape Over
Washer Spring