Factory setting, 3 operation and setting/adjustment – Eberspacher EasyStart Timer Operating instructions User Manual
Page 7

VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn | 7
3 OpeRATiOn AnD seTTing/ADjusTMenT
NOtEs ON OpEratiON aNd sEttiNg
exTenDing The OpeRATing TiMe
The operating time can be extended to up to 720 min,
the input is made from the 120th min. in 5 min inter-
vals. To do this, contact the installation workshop.
VenTiLATiOn OpeRATing MODe
VenTiLATiOn mode is not possible with all heater
types (see the Technical Description of the heater for
TeMpeRATuRe sensOR
in the settings and operations described in the fol-
lowing it is assumed that a temperature sensor is
connected for a water heater.
in the case of air heaters the temperature sensor
installed in the heater and which is provided for con-
trol of the heater can also be used to determine the
interior temperature.
ADD-On uniT
An add-on unit can be e.g. a second heater or park-
ing air conditioning. Further, it is also possible to
combine a heater with a fan; the fan is then used for
air distribution in the vehicle interior.
A heater and the add-on unit can be operated simul-
taneously or independently of each other.
plEasE NOtE!
The number of symbols and displays differs depend-
ing on the installed heater and feature options.
factOry sEttiNg
pROgRAM / pReseLeCTiOn (for all heaters)
Weekday group Mon – Fri
Departure time 07:00
Language De
Time format 24 h
Operating time for preselection (preset)
30 minutes
AiR heATeRs
Continuous heating operating time
setpoint temperature 21 °C
Operating time 30 minutes
automatic operating time calculation OFF