3 operation and setting/adjustment, Notes on operation and setting, Operation and setting/adjustment – Eberspacher EasyStart Timer Operating instructions User Manual

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6 | VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn

3 OpeRATiOn AnD seTTing/ADjusTMenT

NOtEs ON OpEratiON aNd sEttiNg

ACTiVATing The eAsysTART TiMeR

if the display is not lit the easystart Timer must be
activated (not if heating On with LOngpRess).
shORTpRess on one of the four buttons, the start
display appears in the display, then continue with the
operation or setting.

ACTiVATing A Menu iTeM

The symbol of the menu item to be activated appears
in the middle and flashing in the display. in the case
of several activated menu items the symbols are
displayed alternately.


The display is lit


during use of the easystart Timer.


if terminal 58 is connected, with switched on vehi-
cle lighting.


if the heater / add-on heater is On.

DispLAy DisAppeARs

if the vehicle lighting is switched off, no heater or
add-on unit is switched on or if no setting or actua-
tion is made, the display goes out within 10 seconds,
i.e. the easystart Timer switches to standby.

For renewed input, one of the four buttons must be
pressed first (not in heating On with LOngpRess).

FLAshing syMbOL / FLAshing VALue

in the Main menu a flashing symbol in the Menu bar
is activated with the


in the submenu a flashing value can be confirmed or
a selection made using the



heATing On WiTh LOngpRess

The heater is switched on immediately. An add-on
heater is

not switched on immediately.

heATing OFF WiTh LOngpRess

if a heater and an add-on unit is in operation both are
switched off.

CAnCeL / exiT seTTings

The setting can be cancelled or exited by pressing


COnFiRM inpuT

The settings and changes must always be confirmed
by pressing the

button, otherwise they are lost.

seTTing The OpeRATing TiMe

The operating time can be set using the


button. setting range of the operating time min.
10 – max. 120 minutes, the input is made in 1 min.
intervals. Continuous heating mode is additionally
possible for air heaters.

The operating time for a heater and for an add-on
unit can be set independently of each other.