3 operation and setting/adjustment – Eberspacher EasyStart Timer Operating instructions User Manual
Page 21

VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn | 21
3 OpeRATiOn AnD seTTing/ADjusTMenT
(for water heaters only)
For water heaters and a temperature sensor con-
nected to the easystart Timer the heating start is
calculated automatically depending on the measured
room temperature and the selected heating level
(eCO or high).
The operating time can lie between 10 and 60
minutes; operation is always ended 5 minutes after
the programmed departure time. This can result in a
minimum operating time of 15 minutes and a maxi-
mum operating time of 65 minutes.
The operating time set in the program / preselection
menu is ineffective in this case.
in all other configurations the start takes place
according to the preset operating time.
plEasE NOtE!
The eCO and high heating levels are only effective
in conjunction with a programmed preset time.
The preset times are always departure times, even
if the operating time calculation is deactivated.
it is not possible to program more than 3 pre-
set times.
The max. operating time of 65 minutes for the
automatic operating time calculation is a factory
setting. This can be reduced to 15 minutes if nec-
essary by the installation workshop.
if the automatic operating time calculation function
is activated for water heaters, the operating time
for determining the time period is 60 min.