Heating off with shortpress, 3 operation and setting/adjustment, 21 °c off – Eberspacher EasyStart Timer Operating instructions User Manual
Page 12: 30 21 °c, 21 °c
12 | VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn
3 OpeRATiOn AnD seTTing/ADjusTMenT
hEatiNg Off with shOrtprEss
Display On, the heATing menu item is displayed.
press the
shORTpRess button for less than
2 seconds.
heater Off.
21 °C
After the heATing OFF the start display appears.
if the vehicle lighting is OFF the display lighting goes
out after 10 seconds.
21 °C
plEasE NOtE!
The heater switches off, an active add-on unit
remains in operation.
The following actions are possible during the
heATing OFF display:
use the
button to select a menu item.
shORTpRess button, the start display appears,
if the
shORTpRess button is pressed again,
Display OFF.
shORTpRess button, the heATing submenu is
chaNgE thE tEmpEraturE sEtpOiNt aNd / Or
thE OpEratiNg timE duriNg OpEratiON
Display On, the heATing / VenTiLATiOn / ADD-On
uniT heATing or ADD-On VenTiLATiOn menu item is
press the
shORTpRess button for less than
2 seconds.
plEasE NOtE!
The temperature setpoint set before switching on the
heater or confirmed temperature setpoint and the
current remaining operating time (lower limit 10 min)
are displayed as set values.
The operating time and the temperature setpoint are
changed once.
both set values must be confirmed.
seT TeMpeRATuRe seTpOinT – OnLy FOR AiR
heATeRs, nOT FOR The VenTiLATiOn FunCTiOn
use the
button to set the temperature
temperature setpoint setting range:
8 °C – 36 °C in 1 °C increments,
46 °F – 97 °F in 1 °F increments.
21 °C
120 min
press the
button to confirm the temperature set-
point. The temperature setpoint is changed once.