1 introduction, Please read first, Safety information – Eberspacher EasyStart Timer Operating instructions User Manual
Page 4: Range of uses, General information, Introduction

4 | VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn
1 inTRODuCTiOn
plEasE rEad first
before you start to set and use the timer, always read
through these operating instructions carefully.
These operating instructions contain important infor-
mation that you require for to set and use the timer.
please keep these operating instructions in a safe
place for subsequent reference.
safEty iNfOrmatiON
Always note and follow all information and notes,
especially the safety instructions in this document
and in the heater's technical description!
raNgE Of usEs
The easystart Timer is used to select the operat-
ing mode, to set the operating time, to preselect the
switching on time and to switch On / Off the heater
and / or add-on unit installed in the vehicle.
plEasE NOtE!
improper use and use outside the specified area of
use cancels all liability and warranty.
gENEral iNfOrmatiON
The easystart Timer has a simple operating structure.
All functions can be set and, if necessary, changed
with only 4 buttons.
To use the AuTOMATiC OpeRATing TiMe CALCuLA-
TiOn function of a water heater, the optionally avail-
able temperature sensor must be used.
if a vehicle was without a power supply (battery dis-
connected) and the power supply is restored, iniT for
automatic heater detection appears in the display of
the easystart Timer.
if the detection was successful the time is displayed
flashing in the start display. The time must be set.
Then the weekday must be set,
use of the easystart Timer is described in detail