Dakota Ultrasonics MMX-7 User Manual
Page 49

MMX-7 Data Logging Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge
D) B-Scan Display Area – This is the area representing where the B-Scan will be
drawn. Notice the range of the area in the diagram at 0.00” – 1.0” respectively.
E) Displayed B-Scan – Graphical presentation of the cross section, or side view of
the test material. The top, or accessible side of the material represented as 0.00”,
and the bottom, or blind surface at .500”. You will notice the contour in the B-
Scan, indicating a very corroded bottom surface. The B-Scan is displayed from
right to left at a rate of 15 screens per second.
F) Measurement Labels – The measurement labels are calculated and displayed
based on where the left side of the display has been set (Delay), and the overall
viewable area (Width) of the display. Note: The gray hash marks break the
display up into 5 segments, or quadrants. The measurement labels correspond to
the measurement at each hash mark.
G) Units Label - Display’s the current unit of measurement (inches or millimeters).
H) Hot Menus - Each of the fields located under the B-Scan display are called the
Hot Menu Fields. These fields allow quick control of some of the fine
adjustments needed to control the display settings, measurement modes, and grid
memory control. All of these fields can be adjusted without having to activate the
tabbed menu items and searching through a variety of menus to make
I) Scan Bar – The scan bar corresponds directly with thickness represented by the
horizontal labels on the on the display. As you can see from the diagram above,
the filled horizontal bar is displayed at .500”. This display can be very useful
when scanning materials in either B-Scan or Digits display views. It is much
easier to watch and notice deflections for flaws and pits using the scan bar, rather
than trying to notice changes i n digital values. If the user is scanning a pipe, for
instance, and passes over a pit in the process, the scan bar will quickly deflect
and alarm the user to go back and search for the defect.
J) Contour (blind surface) – A view of the B-Scan displaying the blind side surface
contour of the material.
7.3 Adjusting the B-Scan Start (B-ST) & Depth (B -DEP)
In order to use the B-Scan and Scan Bar features of the MMX-7 effectively, the
starting depth and overall depth must be setup correctly. This can be adjusted using
the B-ST (start) and the B-DEP (depth) features of the MMX-7. The B-ST refers to
the starting depth or thickness value displayed. Example: If you want your B-Scan
or Scan Bar to start at a zero thickness value, then B-ST must be set to 0.000”. If
you want the B-Scan and Scan Bar to start displaying at .125”, then B-ST must be
set to .125”. B-DEP represents overall viewable thickness range being tested.
Example: If your measuring tank walls with a total thickness of .300”, and your B-ST
has been set to 0.000”, you might consider setting your B-DEP value to something
like 0.400” to cover the entire thickness range being tested. You might also consider
B-DEP as a zoom feature for both the B-Scan and Scan Bar. Why? Because the
larger the overall thickness range view (B-DEP), the smaller the noticeable shifts in
the Scan Bar and B-Scan presentation. Therefore, it’s best to set the B-ST and B-
DEP to reasonable values that zoom in and optimize your graphic representations.