Atop Technology MB5416A2 User manual User Manual

Page 24

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Atop Modbus Gateway
MB54XX-X Series
User’s Manual V 1.1


2.Parameter set

1.Baud Rate

1. 300

Display or Change baud rate

2. 600

3. 1200

4. 2400

5. 4800

6. 9600

7. 19200

8. 38400

9. 57600

10. 115200

11. 230400

12. 460800

13. 921600


1. None

Display or Change Parity mode

2. Odd

3. Even

4. Mark


3.Data bits

1. 5 bits

Display or Change Data bit length

2. 6 bits

3. 7 bits

4. 8 bits

4.Stop bits

1. 1 bits

Display or Change Stop bit length

2. 2 bits

5.Flow control

1. None

Display or Change Flow control


2. Xon/Xoff

3. Hardware

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