Leaks, Fall & winter maintenance, Pd/pl – Aquascape MicroPond & MicroPondless Kits (99763, 99764, 99765 & 99769) User Manual

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Fig. 46 If you find the leak, pack soil beneath

the liner to raise the edge.

Fig. 47 Hide the exposed liner with gravel

and mulch.

Fig. 45 Check the perimeter of the basin for

any areas that are wet.

If you notice you have to add water

on a daily basis, you may have a

leak. We have found that 99% of

leaks occur along the perimeter

of the waterfalls and pond edges.

Small leaks are generally due to

the ground settling; this causes the

water to trickle over the edge

of the liner in the stream or water-

fall. Leaks such as these can be

easily fixed.

Steps in finding a leak:

• Check the perimeter of the pond

for any areas that are wet. Damp

or saturated soil is usually a good

indicator that water is leaking

over the liner.

(See fig. 45)

• Check to make sure any slow mov-

ing sections of the stream/water-

falls have not become obstructed

by leaves, plants or other debris,

causing the water to back up over

the edges of the liner.

• Investigate the outside perimeter

of the waterfall and stream. Look

for any water that is noticeably

being diverted over the side of

the liner.

• Once you have found the leak,

simply pack soil beneath the liner

in order to raise the edge above

the water level. Hide the exposed

liner by replacing the gravel and

add mulch.

(See figs. 46 & 47)


Water clarity is usually at its best

in the fall because of fewer battles

with algae. It truly is an enjoyable

time of year. Here are some things

that you can do to keep your water

garden looking good.
• There may be increasing num-

bers of yellow leaves this time

of year, so prune them off all of

your plants. Your lilies–tropical

and hardy–should still be going

strong, at least until the first

heavy frost.

• Stop fertilizing your aquatic plants

when the weather starts getting

cooler. This lets them know the

season is coming to an end.

• When your water temperature

gets down around 50 F° (10° C)

or so, stop feeding your fish. If you

continue feeding them, you could

cause major health problems for

your little aquatic friends.

• Enjoy the good water quality! In the

fall, water is almost always very

clear because of the cooler tem-

peratures and the full, lush plants.

• About this time, the foliage starts

falling off the trees, and the pond

fills up with wet soggy leaves.

This is one time of year when your

pond may require daily mainte-


(See fig. 48) If you have a

skimmer, you’ll probably have to

empty the debris net every day to

keep up with the influx of leaves.

Some of the leaves will undoubt-

edly sink to the bottom, although

you can net these pretty easily

before they start to break down.

Don’t knock yourself out snag-

ging every single leaf. Some left

in little areas here and there will

give insects and frogs a place

to overwinter.

• If you’ve left a little too much or-

ganic matter, it may start looking

like a tall glass of sweet-tea from

the south.

But don’t fear. Removing excess

debris, and adding activated carbon

should clear it right up.
• As it gets cold, the lilies and mar-

ginals will have all but died for

the season, and the trees are just

about bare. The fish are spending

more time on the bottom and are

slowing down. Now you can cut

Fall & Winter Maintenance

Fig. 48 Remove excess debris from your pond.

Note: Several of the steps do not apply to MicroPondless

