1 safety instructions – ADS-TEC IF1000 User Manual
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IF1000 series
© ads‐tec GmbH • Raiffeisenstr.14 • 70771 Leinfelden‐Echterdingen
2 Notes on Operation & Safety
The unit operates under electrical tension and implements supersensitive component parts. Intervention by the
User is required only for power supply line connection operations. Should any further alterations be required, it
is necessary to consult either with the Manufacturer directly or with authorised service personnel accordingly.
During said connection operations, the unit must be completely powered down. Specific requirements need to
be met concerning the prevention of electrostatic discharge on component construction parts during contact. If
the unit is opened up by a non authorised individual, the User may be subject to potential hazards and, warranty
conditions are terminated.
General Instructions
This User’s Guide must be read and understood by all User’s and must be available for
consultation at all times
Assembly, operation start‐up and unit operation must only be conducted by
appropriately qualified and trained personnel
All individuals and operators using the unit must strictly observe all safety and use
instructions as provided within the User’s Guide
All regulations and prescriptions on accident prevention and safety in force c/o the
unit installation site must be strictly observed at all times
This User’s Guide provides all the most important directions as required for safe and
security oriented operation
Safe and optimised unit operations are subject to appropriate storage, proper
transport and handling, accurate unit setup, start‐up and operation
Only the ads‐tec original firmware / software is allowed for any of the adjustments and
features described in this User’s Guide. Deployment of any firmware / software that has
not been released by ads‐tec will terminate all warranty conditions.
2.1 Safety Instructions
For the prevention of possible unit damages, all cable lines (power supply, interface
cables) must be hooked up strictly with the unit in power‐OFF conditions.
All unit assembly operations must be strictly conducted only under safe, secure and zero‐
potential conditions.
When handling parts and components susceptible to electrical discharge, please
accurately observe all the relevant safety provisions
(DIN EN 61340‐5‐1 / DIN EN 61340‐5‐2)