2 lc‐display – ADS-TEC IF1000 User Manual
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IF1000 series
© ads‐tec GmbH • Raiffeisenstr.14 • 70771 Leinfelden‐Echterdingen
5.2 LC‐Display
The device is fitted with an LCD which allows direct access to configuration settings. Any modifications to the
firewall and web interface settings made via the LCD menu will take effect immediately. Furthermore, the display
shows event messages and status information for quick on‐site system analysis.
The LCD menu option Lock can be used to lock the display and all front panel keys. When these are locked, the
device PIN is required to access and/or modify any device information. Hence, the Lock function protects the
device against unauthorised on‐site modifications.
The LCD menu can be accessed by pressing the ESC or ENTER key.
The LCD menu contains the following main menu items:
Allows configuration of basic Firewall settings, which includes locking the display and all front panel keys. Also
allows setting the local IP address as well as the display language and various system information
Shows all current event log entries and device information. Also allows initiating a self test of the following
components: display, front panel keys, CUT and ALARM function.The connection control displays the state of the
Service, Open VPN and IPsec connections..
The default language setting is English. In order to select a different language, open the
main menu and select the following menu items:
Settings/ LCD menu/ Language
Confirm your selection by pressing ENTER.
(Selection will be marked by an X.)
Then leave the menu by pressing ESC.