Metadata, How-to steps – Google YouTube Creator Playbook Guide Version 2 User Manual

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How-To Steps


1. Utilize keyword resource tools

Use the keyword generator tools (links available in Appendix) to help
you generate and test keywords for your uploads and/or channel.

2. Create ‘Standard Keywords,’ ‘Keyword Tagline’ and
‘Standard Channel Links’

Based on your channel’s content, theme, and audience, create a list of
standard keywords that apply to your channel and most uploads. These
keywords should be things that are categorical, genres, broad topics,
show name, etc.

Write 2-4 sentences that explains your channel and includes keywords
that are relevant to your content. Include when new episodes are
released and other relevant information.

Create a list of links that can appear in episode descriptions.

3. Optimize metadata for every new upload (and archives)

Create a compelling, accurate, and keyword-driven title. Keywords first,
brand or show name after.

Fill in as many relevant and appropriate tags as possible. Write a mix of
common and specific tags by adding your ‘Standard Keywords’ and
specific tags about the episode. Follow proper formatting. Use keyword
generator tools.

Write a thorough, helpful, and keyword-driven episode description.
Write compelling first sentences of your description. Include relevant or
helpful information about the episode or your channel. Include your
‘Keyword Tagline’, list of links.

Rebrand or continually optimize archive videos by updating the
metadata to reflect new search trends, tent-pole events, or other
keywords that may have become relevant to the content.

Use the Traffic Sources data available in Analytics to track changes in
views coming from search traffic and suggested video traffic after you
optimize the metadata. Use keyword tools and Google Analytics to
better understand what keywords are driving viewers to your content.

Publishing & Optimization

Using third-party software or agencies to help with tags, subscribers or view counts may
be a violation of Terms of Service.