Introduction – Google YouTube Creator Playbook Guide Version 2 User Manual
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Welcome to the second edition of The YouTube Creator
Playbook! This version features a new look, brand new
sections to reflect the new channel design, and lots of
updates to help you optimize for the overall new site layout.
We’re excited to provide our partners with a great resource
that compiles important tips, best practices, and strategies
that will help you build your audience on YouTube. We
hope you find the information helpful to your creative
process and that we can help you take your channel to the
next level. First, we want to address some questions you
may have about what kind of information is presented in
The Creator Playbook and how you should use this
resource as a new tool to achieve your creative goals.
There Are No Rules to Making Great Content
The Creator Playbook is not a collection of rules or guaranteed ‘tricks’
to get more views. Instead, it presents best practices, optimization tips,
and suggested strategies for building audience and engagement on
YouTube. We’ve tried to frame our suggestions and tips to encourage a
variety of uses and to encourage creators to innovate and develop their
own approach.
Be Creative in Applying The Playbook to Your Channel
We understand that not every strategy or optimization will apply to
every creator on YouTube. Each bit of information will apply differently
to the myriad of channels, categories, and talented creators that make
YouTube so great. The Creator Playbook requires you to be creative in
its application. This resource should be a guide for how to think
strategically about the content you make, where to focus your
optimization efforts, and should inspire you to constantly try new things.
Use The Creator Playbook alongside your creativity, passion, and
commitment to creating great content; it will not act as a substitute for
any of these necessary elements of success.
There’s Always More To Know
YouTube learns a lot from its partners and we’re constantly finding new
tips and trends to share back with you. As the platform evolves and as
new features are released, there will be updates to The Creator
Playbook with new strategies, tips and optimizations for you to try.
Check back with us often to get these updates so you can continue to
learn how to build audience and utilize new features to reach more
people in meaningful ways.
The most important part of what you
do on YouTube – the greatest optimization
– is to make something great, and to love
what you’re making.