Google Search Appliance Planning for Search Appliance Installation User Manual

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Google Search Appliance: Planning for Search Appliance Installation


Mount the search appliance on a
rack or otherwise place it in the
desired location.

You can mount the search appliance on a
rack in a data center or keep it on a flat
surface in your office. If you keep it in your
office, choose a location that has good sound
isolation from work areas.

Consult your

Create an account with Google
Enterprise Technical Support.

A Support account enables you to receive
technical support.

The Welcome
email you
received when
you purchased
the search
appliance or
the Welcome
letter enclosed
in the box with
the search

Ensure that a computer is available
from which to run the configuration
program and that a web browser is
installed on the computer.

You need a laptop or desktop computer that
has physical proximity to the search
appliance and can be attached to the search
appliance with a cable. You can use a
computer running Windows or a Macintosh.
There are no restrictions on the browser

If you have firewall software running on the
computer, ensure that the firewall is
configured so that you can open the network
configuration wizard on the search appliance

Consult your

Ensure that a backup electrical
source is available to supply
electricity to the search appliance if
there is an electrical failure.

Electricity can be provided by an
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a gas-
or diesel-powered generator.

Consult your

Decide whether the search
appliance will autonegotiate
network speed and duplex settings
with the router or switch to which it
is connected.

The search appliance can autonegotiate
network speed and duplex settings.

Consult your

If you purchased more than one GB-
9009, ensure that you pair the
processing unit with the correct
storage unit.

The processing unit label is printed with a
service tag and a number in the format U1-
xxxxxxxxxxxxx. The storage unit that must be
used with that processing unit has a label
with its service tag and the same number
that is on the processing unit.



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