Google Search Appliance Protocol Reference User Manual
Page 48

Google Search Appliance: Search Protocol Reference
Request Format
Usage Notes:
By default documents that contain ALL query terms are returned. This behavior is similar to a
boolean AND. Note though that there is no AND query term. It is the default way of processing
query terms. The default behavior can be changed by using the boolean or query term OR or the
boolean not query term ‘-’. Also note that it is not possible to use the NOT operator in an OR
statement, for example test OR -test1. Also, there is no way to do nesting of boolean logic using
The OR keyword separating query terms in which a date or numeric range appears returns
inconsistent results.
The following example returns one result when each portion of the query already returns one
different result:
inmeta:TainoParrot6:1..244227 OR inmeta:TainoParrot6=244228
The following example returns two results and both are correct:
inmeta:TainoParrot6=244227 OR inmeta:TainoParrot6=244228
The following example returns 112 results when empty alone returns 112 results and the number
range query returns 3 results:
empty OR inmeta:TainoParrot6:244227..244229
The following example returns 113 results and is correct:
empty OR inmeta:TainoParrot6=244228
The following example returns three results when yvette alone returns the same results and no
results from the date range query appear:
yvette OR inmeta:TainoParrot6:1..244228
An OR of two inmeta range terms does not return results.
If a set of documents each contain a meta tag with numerical content declared, whether in fixed
point notation (with a period) or integer notation, two inmeta range searches that return results in
isolation do not return results when combined with an OR. For example, if one document contains
and another contains VALUE="40.00">, the search inmeta:price:15..25 returns the first document, while the search
inmeta:price:35..45 returns the second document. However, the search inmeta:price:15..25
OR inmeta:price:35..45 does not return results.
If you have two inmeta range searches that in isolation return result sets that overlap, combining
them with AND returns the intersection of those sets correctly, regardless of the notation used for
the meta tag content or the range search itself.
An inmeta search for a number range returns results only when a number contains six or fewer
For example, if a document contains a meta tag of content="20081230">, then a search query of inmeta:NumDateRange=20081230 works correctly,
or a search where the six significant digits are respected, such as querying for
inmeta:NumDateRange=1..20101230. You can use a six digit number for dates with two digits for
the year, two digits for the month, and two digits for the day. If a search is made where the range
includes more than six digits, then no results occur, such as with
An inmeta search for a number range is unable to handle negative numbers and ignores them.