Requiredfields, Secure_estimates, Site – Google Search Appliance Protocol Reference User Manual
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Google Search Appliance: Search Protocol Reference
Request Format
Request an accurate result count for up to 1M documents. When rc = 1, the user will get accurate
result count. This might introduce high latency. rc=0 works like current default search estimates, as
described in “Appendix A: Estimated vs. Actual Number of Results” on page 105.
Default value: 0
Restricts the search results to documents that contain the exact meta tag names or name-value pairs.
See “Meta Tags” on page 41 for more information.
Meta tag names or values must be double URL-encoded (see “Appendix B: URL Encoding” on page 107).
Default value: Empty string
Retrieves estimates for secure searches if Show Per-Query Estimates is enabled on the Search >
Search Features > Query Settings page in the Admin Console and the secure_estimates search
parameter is set to 1 in the request:
Default value: 0
Required parameter. Limits search results to the contents of the specified collection.
If this parameter does not have a valid value, other parameters in the query string do not work as
expected. Omitting this parameter from a search query causes the entire search index to be queried
instead of limiting search results.
If this parameter contains characters that are not allowed, the search appliance does not return any
results for the query. This parameter allows . _ - and | .
You can search multiple collections by separating collection names with the OR character, which is
notated as the pipe symbol, or the AND character, which is notated as a period.
The following example uses the AND character:
The following example uses the OR character:
Query terms info, link and cache ignore collection restrictions that are specified by the site query
The site parameter is required for Advanced Search Reporting.