File type filtering, File type exclusion, Meta tag search – Google Search Appliance Protocol Reference User Manual

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Google Search Appliance: Search Protocol Reference

Request Format


You can exclude multiple file types by adding more -ext: terms to the search query.

Sample usage:

whitepaper -ext:pdf -ext:doc

File Type Filtering

The query prefix filetype: filters the results to include only documents with the specified MIME
content type. No spaces can come between filetype: and the type.

You can exclude file types by putting a minus sign before filetype, such as -filetype:pdf. For more
information, see “File Type Exclusion” on page 27.

See also “as_filetype” and “as_ft” on page 11 for including and excluding documents from the search

You can specify multiple file types by adding filetype: terms to the search query, combined with the
Boolean OR.

Sample usage:

whitepaper filetype:doc OR filetype:pdf

File Type Exclusion

The query prefix-filetype: filters the results to exclude documents with the specified file extension.
No spaces can come between -filetype: and the specified extension.

You can exclude multiple file types by adding more -filetype terms to the search query.

Sample usage:

whitepaper -filetype:doc

Meta Tag Search

You can filter results by meta tags and their values using inmeta. Used with the operators ~ or =, inmeta
restricts results to required or partial meta tag values in the same way as the requiredfields and
partialfields search parameters.

Sample usage:

inmeta:department=Human Resources

There is a 128 character limit for inmeta queries.

The 128 characters includes the inmeta term and metatag name/value:

inmeta:= => 128 characters in total.

This limit also applies to dynamic navigation. That is, the attribute values displayed in the sidebar
cannot exceed 128 characters.

See “Meta Tags” on page 41 for more details.