Advance Adapters 712568 User Manual

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P/N: 712568

P.O. Box 247, 4320 Aerotech Center Way
Paso Robles, CA 93447


Telephone: (800) 350-2223

Fax: (805) 238-4201

Page Rev. Date:



The components packaged in this kit have been assembled and machined for specific type of conversions. Modifications to any of the components will void

any possible warranty or return privileges. If you do not fully understand modifications or changes that will be required to complete your conversion, we strongly recommend that
you contact our sales department for more information. This instruction sheet is only to be used for the assembly of Advance Adapter components. We recommend that a service
manual pertaining to your vehicle be obtained for specific torque values, wiring diagrams and other related equipment. These manuals are normally available at automotive dealerships
and parts stores.


Depending on the year of the vehicle that you are dealing with, you will need to vary the clutch control requirements
accordingly. The bellhousing that Advance Adapters has manufactured will use a GM clutch release arm along with
a GM clutch release bearing. Since you are using a GM transmission, the N1430 release bearing and GM clutch release
arm will work perfectly without any modifications. The new GM clutch arm will have an internal snap ring to lock onto
the ball pivot stud inside the new bellhousing. On Jeep vehicles that were originally equipped with a mechanical clutch
control, you should not have any problem adapting your original clutch linkage to the new clutch arm. On Jeep vehicles
that were previously equipped with a hydraulic slave cylinder such as 1987-2005 and 1980-1986 four cylinders, you
will need to use a Jeep slave cylinder that was used in the 1980-1983 Iron Duke four cylinder Jeep vehicles. We
recommend that you use the Advance Adapter Jeep clutch control slave cylinder kit, Part No. 716331. This new
assembly will include all the necessary parts to mount to the new bellhousing.

The bellhousing is a direct duplicate of the original AMC stock bellhousing. The flywheel sensor, dowel pin holes and
dust cover mounting holes are all in the original location. The original dust cover or block plate must be retained for
use with the Advance Adapter bellhousing. This plate is normally already on the engine block. The flywheel sensor
must be installed onto the new bellhousing using new bolts that we have supplied. These special bolts provide the
necessary accuracy to mount the sensor in the appropriate location.

Your new NV4500 transmission will require a new pilot bushing for the engine crank and possibly a new clutch disc.
The new transmission will require a Chevy clutch disc with a 1-1/8"-10 spline size Centerforce No. 384193. It is
advisable that you check the input shaft tip engagement into the new pilot bearing after installation.



The flywheel must be 1" thick. We have seen some flywheels up to 1.5"

thick, which can cause interference problems. This 1" measurement should be taken from the crank flange to the clutch
disc surface. This bellhousing also requires the use of a diaphragm pressure plate. Most Borg & Beck 3 finger pressure
plates will not work.

CAUTION: On some of the early installations, we have encountered an interference problem between the
clutch pressure plate and clutch release arm. The solution is to grind the necessary clearance on the inside
of the bellhousing and modify the release lever approximately 1/16". It will be necessary that you check
the clutch clearance inside the bellhousing prior to transmission assembly. This problem has only occurred
with aftermarket clutch assemblies or thicker than normal flywheels.


TO 1996 & NEWER GM NV4500