Proper use – Lukas SP 512 User Manual
Page 8

3. Proper use
LUKAS spreaders and combi tools can also be used under water at a depth of up to 40m
(131 ft).
In this case, you must strictly observe any leaks in order to avoid threats to the
All objects which are to be worked on are to be secured using stable supports or
fi g. 1
fi g. 2
LUKAS spreaders are designed especially for rescue services. They are used to release
persons trapped as a result of a road accident e.g. by forcing open the car doors (see
below Fig. 1) or by squashing other parts of the vehicle. In other catastrophic situations they
are used to lift (by spreading) or to displace objects in order to rescue buried or trapped
persons, e.g. by concrete components in collapsed houses (see below Fig. 2), and to squash
constructional components, e.g. pipes.
In principle, objects can be pulled, spread, squashed or compressed in length.
All objects to be worked on are to be secured using stable supports or substructures.
When lifting loads, additional risks to the operator and/or persons not involved may be
posed if the load moves in an uncontrolled manner or if the spreader slips or tips over.
When applying the tool and lifting, make sure that there is no danger, if necessary by using
additional supports or safety devices.