Apple Xsan 1.0 User Manual
Page 98

Appendix B
Using the Command Line
# Maximum log file size
MaxLogSize 1M
# Client Pool Threads. Number of threads in the message handling pool.
ThreadPoolSize 16
# A disktype section for defining disk hardware parameters.
# Define types of disks to be configured in number of sectors in size
# *** Note - Sector size is 512 bytes. ***
[DiskType ST19171FC]
# Complete 9.2GB Cuda minus 1M volume header.
Sectors 17780736
SectorSize 512
# Size of a sector (default is 512).
# A disk section for defining disks in the hardware configuration.
# The 'Status' keyword indicates the device should initially be UP|DOWN.
# The 'Type' keyword must match a name defined in the 'DiskType' keywords.
[Disk CvfsDisk0]
Status UP # UP/DOWN
Type ST19171FC # A type defined in a DiskType Section
[Disk CvfsDisk1]
Status UP
Type ST19171FC
[Disk CvfsDisk2]
Status UP
Type ST19171FC
[Disk CvfsDisk3]
Status UP
Type ST19171FC
[Disk CvfsDisk4]
Status UP
Type ST19171FC Page 98 Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:20 PM