Apple Xsan 1.0 User Manual
Page 113

security considerations 15, 23
serial number 32
shared secret file 81
shell commands
“command not found” 77
cvadmin 85
cvcp 88
cvfsck 89
cvlabel 90
cvmkdir 91
cvmkfile 91
cvmkfs 92
cvsginfo 92
cvupdatefs 92
fsm 93
fsmpm 93
installed location 83
listed in table 84
man pages 83
problems using 77
snfsdefrag 93
soft quota
checking 71
defined 61
setting 37, 61
SSL, and Xsan Admin 28
static multipath method 51
storage, expanding 42
storage area network. See SAN
storage pools
access permissions 49
adding to existing volume 44
checking free space 70
described 13
limit per volume 16
name length limit 16
renaming 48
reserved names 76
and block allocation size 50
choosing a value 50
setting 50
stripe group. See storage pool
striping, across LUNs 13, 15
can’t connect to SAN 75
can’t install software 75
can’t mount volume 75
computers not listed 75
error -1425 77
LUN size adjusted downward 77
LUNs not listed 77
reserved storage pool names 76
UID (user ID)
user ID. See UID
users, assigning UIDs 30
volume configuration file 96
adding to existing SAN 45
checking free space 70
checking integrity 56
configuration file 96
defragmenting 55
described 13
identifying controller 66
listed by controller 66
mounting from command line 95
mounting on client 37, 59
mounting StorNext file system 80
name length limit 16
renaming 52
repairing 56
show clients using 73
starting 37
trouble mounting 75
unmounting 60, 95
Xsan Admin application
and firewalls 28
installing separately 28
overview 28
preferences 28
refresh interval 28
Xsan software
installing 31
removing (uninstalling) 60
serial number 32
upgrading controllers 68
Xserve RAID systems Page 113 Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:20 PM