Apple Xsan 1.0 User Manual

Page 109

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storage pool A group of logical disks that share common characteristics, such as
throughput or latency, across which Xsan stripes user data. Storage pools are combined
to form Xsan volumes.

stripe breadth An Xsan storage pool property. The number of bytes of data, expressed
as a number of file system blocks, that Xsan writes to a LUN in a storage pool before
moving to the next LUN in the pool.

stripe group The StorNext File System term for an Xsan storage pool.

volume A mountable allocation of storage that behaves, from the client’s perspective,
like a local hard disk, partition, or network volume. In Xsan, a volume consists of one or
more storage pools and is mounted on a client by the SAN controller. Page 109 Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:20 PM