Server monitor – Apple Mac OS X Server v10.2 User Manual
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Setting Up Your Server
m To add a server to the Devices & Services list, choose the Connect command from the
Server menu and log in to the server. The next time you open Server Status, servers you
have added are displayed in the Devices & Services list and can be monitored again by
clicking them in the list. (If a server is gray in the list, double-click it and log in again. To
avoid having to reconnect, select the “Add to Keychain” option in the login dialog,)
m To review general status information for a particular server, select the server name.
m To review status information for a particular service running on a server, click the arrow
next to the server name to see a list of its services. Then select the service of interest.
m To remove a server from the Devices & Services list, select the server, click Disconnect,
and choose the Remove From List command from the Server menu.
m To control the way Server Status lists servers and services, how often status data is
refreshed, and other behaviors, choose the Preferences command on the Server Status
m To customize the Server Status toolbar, choose the Customize Toolbar command on the
View menu.
m To view online help, use the Help menu. It provides regularly updated Web-based help
about Server Status and other Mac OS X Server topics.
Server Monitor
Use Server Monitor to keep track of the state of Xserve hardware and trigger email
notifications when circumstances warrant attention. Server Monitor shows you information
about the installed operating system, drives, power supply, enclosure and processor
temperature, cooling blowers, security, and network.
To open Server Monitor:
m Click the Server Monitor icon in the Dock or look in /Applications/Utilities.
Use the application to monitor local or remote servers:
m To specify a server to monitor, click Add Server, identify the server, and enter
administrator and password information.
m Use the “Update every” pop-up list to specify how often you want to refresh data.
m Use the Export and Import commands in the File menu to manage different lists of
servers you want to monitor. The Merge command lets you consolidate lists.
m The system identifier lights on the front and back of an Xserve server light when service is
required. Use Server Monitor to determine why the lights are on. You can also turn the
lights on so you can find a particular server in a rack of servers by selecting the server and
clicking “system identifier light on” in the Info tab.
m You can set Server Monitor to notify you by email when a server’s status changes. For
each server, you can set up the conditions that you want notification about.