Publishing directly to the web – Apple iMovie '08 User Manual
Page 47

Chapter 2
Learn iMovie
If you want to retain copies of your rendered movies that you can access outside of the
Media Browser or iTunes, see the topics about sharing and exporting in iMovie Help.
Publishing Directly to the Web
If you have a MobileMe account, you can publish your finished movie as soon as it’s
To publish your movie directly to your MobileMe Gallery:
Select your project in the Project Library, and then choose Share > MobileMe Gallery
Type a name for your movie in the Title field, and then enter a short description for
viewers to read in the Description field, if you want.
Select a publishing size to optimize the viewing experience for friends or family with
faster or slower Internet connections.
If you want viewers to be able to download copies of your movie, select “Allow movie
to be downloaded.”
If you want to limit who has permission to view your movie, select “Hide movie on my
Gallery home page.”
Click Publish. iMovie automatically uploads your movie to your MobileMe Gallery.
After the movie has been uploaded to your MobileMe Gallery, the title bar of the
project in iMovie displays “Published to MobileMe.” It also displays buttons that take
you to the movie’s webpage and sends notifications to your friends.
To visit your movie’s webpage, click Visit.
To notify your friends about the new movie you’ve published, click “Tell a friend.”
If you don’t have a MobileMe account, you can sign up for one at Or you
can publish your movie to YouTube.
Indicates that the project
has been rendered in any
of the four sizes
Indicates that the project
has been published on
the web
Indicates that the project
has been altered since it was
last published on the web