Adding background music to your project – Apple iMovie '08 User Manual

Page 34

background image


Chapter 2

Learn iMovie


Continue selecting video and adding it to your project.


In the project, drag the clips around to rearrange them in any order you want.

You can preview your project by playing it one of the following ways:

To play a selected project from the beginning:


Click the Play Project button below the Project Library, or press the Backslash (\) key.

To play a selected project from any point:


Press the Space bar or double-click the frame where you want to begin playing.

To stop playing your project video:


Press the Space bar or click anywhere in the iMovie window.

To play a selected clip or frame range in your project:


Press the Slash (/) key.

To play a selected project full screen:


Choose where you want to begin playing the project:

 To begin playing from wherever the pointer is resting, press Command (x)-G.
 To play a project from the beginning, select any clip in the project and click the Play

Full Screen button below the Project Library.


Move the pointer and click the filmstrip that appears, and then skim forward and
backward through the video.


Press the Escape key to exit full-screen mode.

As you work on your project, you can expand and contract the project filmstrips to see
more or fewer frames within each clip as you work. Your project filmstrips and source
video filmstrips don’t have to be expanded to the same setting.

To expand or contract project filmstrips:


Drag the project thumbnail slider directly below your project.

Adding Background Music to Your Project

You can enliven your movie with a musical score. If you have songs in your iTunes
library, you can drag one in to accompany your video; if not, try using one of the
iLife jingles.

To add background music to your iMovie project:


Choose Window > “Music and Sound Effects,” or click the “Music and Sound Effects”
button in the iMovie toolbar.


In the “Music and Sound Effects” pane, click iTunes to see all the music in your
iTunes library, or click the Sound Effects folder to find background music that best fits
your movie.