Shell commands for submitting apple qmaster jobs, Synopsis, Command options – Apple Qmaster 3 User Manual

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To configure a service-only node


Enter the following:

qmasterprefs -stopSharing -sharingType servicesOnly -startSharing

To create a QuickCluster


Enter the following:

qmasterprefs -stopSharing -sharingType servicesAndQuickCluster -startSharing

Shell Commands for Submitting Apple Qmaster Jobs

You can use the Apple Qmaster command,

Apple Qmaster

, with a number of

command-line options for submitting jobs.

In the command-line descriptions below, angle brackets < > indicate a mandatory
argument in a command, and brackets [ ] indicate an optional argument.


Below is a synopsis of the command for submitting a job to a cluster. The

Apple Qmaster

command is located in /Applications/Apple

Apple Qmaster [-clustername ] [-clusterid

address:port number>][-command -options

[-wd] [-timeout ] [-show] [-batchname ]


Once the job is submitted successfully, this command displays the batch ID (identifier)
and job ID (identifier) in the shell.

Command Options

This table provides information about each of the command options for submitting jobs.


Submission command option

Use to specify the name of the cluster to which you want to send
the job. Using the cluster name, Apple Qmaster looks for the cluster
on the network in order to use it.


Use to specify a name for the batch so that you can easily recognize
it in Batch Monitor.


Optionally, you can use


to enter the cluster ID and

port number instead of using


. (When you enter

the cluster ID and port, less time is required to find the cluster on
the network.)

Or, if you used


and the cluster requires a password,



to specify the user name and password. (You

need to include the

IP address:port number

as well whenever

you use




Apple Qmaster -show

to see a cluster’s IP address and port




address:port number>


Chapter 1

Using Apple Qmaster 3