Generic render command and non-zero exit status – Apple Qmaster 3 User Manual
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Verify the full command in the Command text box and click OK.
You can further
customize the batch
instructions by adding
options here.
The full command
is displayed here.
To add more jobs to this batch, repeat steps 1 through 5.
As needed, set the following options for the batch in the Apple Qmaster window:
• Submit To: Choose a cluster to process this batch.
• Working Directory: If relevant, enter the working directory (from which you want the
command to be executed) in the Working Directory column.
• Priority: Choose the priority level from the pop-up menu. The higher the priority, the
sooner and faster this batch will be processed relative to other batches.
Click Submit to send the batch out for processing.
If you output from the Generic Render plug-in to single files containing all
the frames, such as a QuickTime movie, all the nodes of a cluster may try to write to the
same file at the same time. To avoid this problem, choose a different output file format
or use a different render command.
Generic Render Command and Non-Zero Exit Status
The “Treat non-zero exit status as failure” checkbox in the Generic Render dialog allows
you to use Apple Qmaster with rendering applications that return non-zero results that
are not intended to indicate failure. By default, this checkbox is selected. If your rendering
application issues non-zero results that are not intended to indicate failure, deselect the
Submitting After Effects Batches with the Generic Render Command
The following template is a good starting point for using the Generic Render plug-in to
render After Effects projects:
[EXECUTABLE] -project [INPUT] -comp "Comp 1" -RStemplate "Multi-Machine
Settings" -OMtemplate "Multi-Machine Sequence" -s [START FRAME] -e [END
FRAME]-output [ITEM]/test[####].psd
[EXECUTABLE] = /Applications/Adobe\ After\ Effects\ 6.5/aerender
[INPUT] = /SHARED_VOLUME/Projects/AEProjs/Wine_Country/QMproject.aep
Chapter 1
Using Apple Qmaster 3