Apple PowerBook (Duo, 2300 Series) User Manual

Page 156

background image


Macintosh Easy Open 89, 90
Macintosh Guide. See also Guide menu

close box 30, 31
finding information 25
going to the next step 26, 28, 30
“Huh?” button 31
moving the window 31
opening 24–25
returning to the main window 26,

28, 31

searching with an index 25, 27–28
searching by typing keywords 25,


searching using a list of topic areas


using the scroll bar 27
using the slider 27
using the zoom box 31

Macintosh Shortcuts 33–34
Macintosh Tutorial 10, 12
main battery. See battery
memory. See also RAM; virtual memory

adding 50
“native” application programs’

memory usage 55

not enough memory to print 100
not enough memory to run a program

87, 88

shared libraries and 55–56
system software extensions and 84

Memory control panel 88, 91
menu bar

blinking icon in 90, 91
defined 13

menus, opening 11, 13
metal detectors in airports 135
microphone 2, 49
minidock. See PowerBook Duo


minimum set vs. full set of software disks

58, 60

modem. See external modem

modem cable 41
monitor. See display; external

monitor; screen

monitor port

on PowerBook Duo Dock Plus 36
on PowerBook Duo MiniDock 38

monitor power socket on PowerBook

Duo Dock Plus 36

Monitors control panel 95, 96
mouse, positioning 129
musculoskeletal discomfort from

computer use 125, 126


“native” application programs 55–56
Network control panel 104, 106
network printer, connecting 39–40
networks, troubleshooting 104–107, 109
network software, reinstalling 106
network zones 100
nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) battery.

See battery

normal installation of system software


NuBus slots on PowerBook Duo Dock

Plus 36, 37


online help. See AppleGuide online help

systems; Balloon Help;
Macintosh Guide

Option key 140

Key Caps program and 141–142

