Apple Power Macintosh 5400 series User Manual
Page 180
PCI card adapter 130, 139, 140
PCI slot 130, 139, 141
performance problems 86
peripheral component interconnect.
Photo CDs
handling 122
inserting into drive 24–25
troubleshooting 85
PlainTalk program 55
plugging in the computer 3–5
frozen on screen 65, 76
moving on screen 17, 18
placing on insertion point 77
pointing devices, troubleshooting 76. See
also mouse
Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) port 6–9,
44, 45
modem port 44, 45
plugging connectors into 119
printer port 44, 45
SCSI port 45, 50
security lock port 45
sound input port 45
sound output port 45
posture guidelines 115–116
power, troubleshooting 69
power cord 4, 5
Power key
failure of 28, 67
location of 44
purpose of 154
restarting the computer with 27, 67
turning the computer off with 26
turning the computer on with 11,
12, 27
PowerPC microprocessor ix
power plug 4
power socket 45
power strip 5
power supply, safety precautions for 124
power switch
location of 45
“Off” position 4
“On” position 11
when to use 28
PowerTalk program 55
printed circuit board. See expansion card
printer, troubleshooting 87
printer port 44, 45
problems. See troubleshooting
processor ix
programs. See application programs
protocols for Ethernet networks 54
question mark icon
blinking at startup 72, 100
as Guide menu indicator 31
QuickDraw GX program 55
QuickDraw 3D program 55
quitting applications
forcing to quit 67, 157
shortcut for 67, 153
unexpectedly 78
when problems occur 67
radio and television interference vi, 120
RAM, increasing to run applications 58.
See also memory
Read Me files in the Apple Extras
folder 29
rebuilding desktop 68–69, 74
shortcut for 157
computer images on VCR 49
sound 48
reflections on screen 10, 116, 117
CD-ROM software 109–110
system software 100–108
remote control sensor 44