Apple Power Macintosh 5400 series User Manual
Page 176
System Folder
purpose of 100
removing special software items
from 87
folder icon 20
fonts, replacing in new System
Folder 106
formatting disks. See initializing
FTP servers (Internet) 90
Function keys 154
furniture, arranging for comfort 115–116
glare on screen 10, 116, 117
gopher servers (Internet) 91
grounded outlet 5
grounding plug 3, 5
Guide menu
Apple Video Player Guide
command 56
Hide Balloons command 40
icon for 31
location of 18
Macintosh Guide command 32
purpose of 18
Shortcuts command 41
Show Balloons command 40
Guide menu icon 31
handling computer equipment
cables 119
compact discs 122
floppy disks 121
general instructions for 119
High Performance Module 148
keyboard 120
monitor 120
PCI card 139
power supply 124
hard disk
backing up files on 60
damaged 91–92, 94–96
initializing 96–99
inserting floppy disk into 56
installing application programs on
installing system software on
location of 45
preinstalled applications on 55–56
rebuilding desktop on 68–69, 74, 157
repairing 91–92, 94–95
starting up from, problems with 71
testing 91–92
repairing 91–92, 94–95
using for additional memory 61
verifying and testing 92–93
hard disk icon 14
headphone jack 44
health-related information 113–117. See
also safety precautions
arranging your office 115–116
electromagnetic emissions 117
eye fatigue 115
general fatigue 117
musculoskeletal discomfort 114
posture 115–116
help, sources of 29, 31–42. See also
Balloon Help; Guide menu;
Macintosh Guide; online
support; troubleshooting
Hide Balloons command (Guide
menu) 40
Hide Others command (Application
menu) 60
High Performance Module. See also
computer does not start after
installation of 70
installing 148
High Sierra discs 84
High Sierra file format 84
hotline for customer support 29
“Huh?” button in Macintosh Guide 39