Apple Power Macintosh 5400 series User Manual
Page 178
labeling floppy disks 121
Level 2 memory cache. See High
Performance Module
license agreement
for application programs 56
for Apple software 88
lifting the computer 3
lighting, eye fatigue and 115
local area network. See network
locking and unlocking mouse 127–128
logic board
DRAM DIMM slots on 131
PCI slot on 141, 139
removing 135
replacing 149–150
reset button on 70, 152
Look For button in Macintosh Guide 33,
Macintosh desktop. See desktop
Macintosh Guide 32–39
“Huh?” button in 39
searching for specific topic in 33,
tips for using 39
viewing list of topics in 33–34
viewing topics alphabetically in 33,
Macintosh Guide command (Guide
menu) 32
Macintosh Guide window
closing 39
Index button 33, 35–36
Look For button 33, 37–38
moving 32, 39
opening 32
returning to 34, 39
Topics button
at the top of the window 33–34
in the lower-left corner of the
window 34, 39
Macintosh Tutorial 17–18
main logic board. See logic board
CD-ROM discs 83, 122
CD-ROM drive 123
floppy disks 121
keyboard 120
monitor 120
mouse 76, 125–126
screen 117
media adapter 54
adding 131–132, 146–148
cache configurations 132
clearing to solve problems 67
conserving 55
DRAM configurations 131–132
DRAM DIMMs 131–132, 146–147
High Performance Module 131, 148
increasing to run applications 58–59
installing 131–132, 146–148
running out of 78
used by application programs 61, 78
using hard disk as 61
virtual 58, 78
Memory control panel
older Macintosh programs and 61, 80
virtual memory and 78
menu bar 19
menus 19
Apple menu 106, 155–156
Application menu 19, 57–58
File menu 41
Guide menu 18, 19, 40, 41
opening 19
Special menu 22, 67
microphone 48
microprocessor ix
mirroring, video 49
modem port 44, 45
Modern Memory Manager, older
Macintosh programs and 61, 80