JB Conversions 2307 LoMax 300 User Manual
Lloom maaxx, To-1 reduction gearset

Manufactured by JB CONVERSIONS, INC.
Phone: 337-625-2379
Installation Instructions for the
Dana 300 Transfer Case
Part No. 2307
Instruction Rev: 2009.09.26
Kit Components
1: (2) 27 tooth gears
2: (2) 18 tooth gears
3: (1) Idler gear (37 X 14 tooth)
4: (2) Optional - Shift detent springs
5: (1) Optional - Stock shift rail
5A: (1) Custom shift rail
6: (2) Optional - Slider rings
7: (1) Input retainer clip
8: (1) Optional - Seal & Gasket Kit
9: Instruction sheet
Preassembly check: After the Dana 300 has been disassembled, refer to the photos
A,B,& C below to verify gear-to-shaft clearances.
A: Place one 27 tooth LoMax helical gear and thrust washer onto the rear output
shaft as shown. Using a gap gauge, check for clearance between the thrust
washer and the “grind” (polished) surface of the gear. The gear face should NOT
contact the thrust washer.
B: Place the 2
27 tooth LoMax helical gear onto the front output shaft as shown.
Using a gap gauge, check for clearance between the grinded gear face and the
shoulder on the shaft. Use a straight edge as shown.