Operation – Class1 Vernier Throttle for CAT User Manual
Page 12

DOC 101058C_c:\manuals\throttles\cat\catthrot.p65
For questions or concerns regarding the interface module, call
at 352-629-5020
FAX 352-629-2902
When the throttle interface module is powered up by the safety (interlock) system the throttle
module will perform a self check and the module will then output a PWM signal of 12 %.
The interface will verify that the throttle is fully closed. If the throttle is not fully closed, the
interface module will not increase the PWM until the zero position is detected.
The throttle interface module will not command increased speed from the
engine until the zero position is detected. This feature is present to avoid unintentional in-
creases in engine speed should the throttle be left in the open position.
The fast idle input overrides this feature and should be used with caution.
When finished operating the remote throttle, the operator should return the throttle to idle and
turn the control to it’s full clockwise position. This will insure a zero throttle position.
The new 3126B and 3116B HEUI engines perform their own idle validation for
remote throttle operations. This presents a timing and signal problem that must be overcome
to use the interface module for Fast Idle.