AEM 30-6611 Series 2 Plug & Play EMS User Manual

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Start the engine and make whatever adjustments may be needed to sustain a safe
and reasonably smooth idle. Verify the ignition timing: Select Wizards>>Ignition
Timing Sync
from the pull-down menu. Click the ‘Lock Ignition Timing’ checkbox
and set the timing to a safe and convenient value (for instance, 10 degrees BTDC).
Use a timing light and compare the physical timing numbers to the timing value you
selected. Use the Sync Adjustment Increase/Decrease buttons to make the
physical reading match the timing number you selected.

Crankshaft timing marks are not labeled for some vehicles. Consult the factory
service manual for more information. The diagram below shows labels for the


Note: This calibration needs to be properly tuned before driving the vehicle. It is
intended for racing vehicles and may not operate smoothly at idle or part-throttle.

5) Troubleshooting an engine that will not start


Double-check all the basics first… engines need air, fuel, compression, and a
correctly-timed spark event. If any of these are lacking, we suggest checking simple
things first. Depending on the symptoms, it may be best to inspect fuses, sufficient
battery voltage, properly mated wiring connectors, spark using a timing light or by
removing the spark plug, wiring continuity tests, measure ECU pinout voltages,
replace recently-added or untested components with known-good spares. Check
that all EMS sensor inputs measure realistic temperature and/or pressure values.