Safety, Aster, Ntake – Hale Master Intake Valve User Manual
Page 3: Alve

pumper shall be connected to the
pumper(s) and hydrant with a slight
downward bend to avoid kinking when
the water is turned on.
7. WARNING: Large diameter hose
presents a tripping hazard. Use care
when working around hose when in use.
8. WARNING: Male threads on relief valve
outlet are sharp and can cause severe
cuts. Be careful when working around
the exposed threads on the relief valve
9. WARNING: The relief valve spring is
under pressure and can cause a
projectile hazard. When disassembling
the relief valve, back relief valve
adjustment screw out to lowest setting to
relieve pressure on spring before
removing relief valve housing screws.
10. WARNING: Use tubing rated at the
maximum discharge pressure of the fire
pump, 500 PSI (34 BAR) minimum.
11. WARNING: Any electrical system has the
potential to cause sparks during
installation, service or repair. Take care
to eliminate explosive or hazardous
environments during installation, service
or repair.
12. WARNING: When a malfunction occurs
and the motor stalls the circuit breaker
will trip to disconnect electrical power to
the motor. If power remains to the valve
electrical system the motor and circuit
breaker could become extemely hot.
1. WARNING: The outlet of the relief valve
can flow large volumes of water under
pressure. Therefore, the discharge must
be piped in a manner that will not
expose personnel to high pressure water
2. WARNING: The suction of each
receiving pumper using large diameter
hose shall be equipped with a relief
valve with a maximum pressure setting
of not more than 10 PSI (0.7 BAR) over
the static pressure of the water source to
which it is connected or not more than
10 PSI (0.7 BAR) over the discharge
pressure of a supply pumper in relay. In
no event will the intake relief valve
pressure setting exceed the working
pressure of the hose being used.
3. WARNING: Per NFPA 1962 requirements,
large diameter hose marked “SUPPLY
HOSE” 3-½ to 5 inches (89 to 127 mm)
diameter shall not be used at operating
pressures exceeding 185 PSI (13 BAR).
4. WARNING: Per NFPA 1962 requirements,
large diameter hose marked “SUPPLY
HOSE” 6 inches (152 mm) diameter shall
not be used at operating pressures
exceeding 135 PSI (9 BAR).
5. WARNING: Never set intake relief valve
above hose manufacturers rated
pressure. Always use the lowest possible
relief valve setting to enhance operator
and equipment safety.
6. WARNING: Per NFPA 1962 requirements,
large diameter hose used to supply a
pumper from a hydrant or another
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Before attempting installation or operation of the Hale MIV read and
follow all safety precautions listed below. The warnings and cautions listed are necessary
for the safe installation and operation of the Hale MIV. When developing departmental
apparatus operating procedures make sure the warnings and cautions are incorporated
as written.