Sync schedule settings in a profile, Calendar settings in a profile, Working with a profile – Nokia E62 User Manual

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Working with a profile


If an entry is deleted on one side (whether on

the server or the mobile phone) and modified

on the other side, the entry is deleted

regardless of this setting.

Sync schedule settings in a profile

When you schedule synchronization depends on

how you need to work. With Mail for Exchange,

you can set up two synchronization schedules,

peak and off-peak schedules. For example, if you

need to have the latest updates during business

hours, you can schedule synchronization

frequently and automatically during peak hours.

When you don’t need to have the latest updates

all the time (evenings and weekends), you can

synchronize less frequently or manually.
The setting selections for peak and off-peak

hours are identical:

Manual. Synchronizations occur only when you


Options > Synchronize.

Always on. If a content change occurs on the

server, the server notifies your mobile phone.

Your phone responds by automatically

synchronizing itself with the server so you can

have the latest content. Your phone also

automatically synchronizes itself with the

server every 15 minutes to accommodate any

content changes that might have occurred on

the phone.

• Intervals ranging from every 15 minutes to

every 12 hours.

When you select

Always on or any of the

intervals between 15 minutes and 12 hours for

peak or off-peak, you also need to specify:

Peak days. Which days have peak hours (Mon,

Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun).

Peak start time. What time of day peak hours

start. Example: 8:00 am.

Peak end time. What time of day peak hours

end. Example: 5:00 pm.

Calendar settings in a profile

Set how you want to synchronize your calendar

with these setting:

Sync calendar back. Specify how far back in

time calendar entries are to be synchronized.

You can specify a range of weeks or months.

Initial sync. Specify whether you want to keep

the phone’s existing calendar entries or delete

those entries and replace them with the entries

from your account on the Microsoft Exchange