What is mail for exchange, What is synchronization, How do i use mail for exchange – Nokia E62 User Manual

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What is Mail for Exchange?


What is Mail for Exchange?

With Mail for Exchange, you can use the email,

calendar, and contacts (address book) of your

Microsoft Exchange account on your mobile

phone. Keeping the entries on your mobile phone

updated with the entries on your Microsoft

Exchange account is possible through the process

of synchronization.

What is synchronization?

Synchronization updates the email, calendar, and

contacts content on your mobile phone with the

content of your Microsoft Exchange account. You

can customize the way you synchronize by

setting up a profile in which you can:
• Select the content you want to synchronize—

email, calendar, contacts, or any combination of

the three.

• Set up a schedule by which Mail for Exchange

automatically synchronizes. (You can also

synchronize manually at any time.)

• Resolve content conflicts during

synchronization by specifying whether the

content of your account on the Microsoft

Exchange server or your mobile phone prevails

when a conflict occurs.

• Select Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to increase

the security between your mobile phone and

the Microsoft Exchange server.

How do I use Mail for Exchange?

The basic steps in using Mail for Exchange are:
1 Install and start Mail for Exchange on your

mobile phone.

2 Create a synchronization profile that controls

what and when you synchronize.

3 Synchronize to get your email, calendar, and

contact entries on your mobile phone from

your account on the Microsoft Exchange


4 Start to use your email, calendar, and contacts

on your mobile phone.